Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Stepford Wives (2004)

I know this movie came out a long time ago but I finally saw it last weekend. I thought it was disturbing but hysterical! It's about a career woman, Nicole Kidman, having a meltdown and moving from Manhattan to Stepford, Ct. with her husband and two children.
Upon their arrival to Connecticut, they meet their all-too-friendly neighbors and are thrown into suburban life right away. Days go on and more disturbing things start happening, women are obeying their husbandsd every desire as if they had no feelings and one woman's ear even started sparking at a picnic, something was up!

By the time Nicole Kidman finds out what is going on with the women in the town, she falls victim to be the next re-programmed computed version of herself. Her husband decides he wants to control his wife--quite literally! It turns out the men in that town are all masterminds behind Mac, AOL, Microsoft, all big computer names. They install computer chips into the women's brains in order to take charge of their functions.

I'm from the east coast so I thought it was really funny when Glenn Close, at the end of the movie, says
I asked myself, "Where would people never notice a town full of robots?" Ahhh, Connecticut!

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